Wil-Mar Board Meetings June & July

Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center Brearly Street
Greetings Defend Feminists Supporters! Last month, Thistle and friends attended the Wil-Mar board meeting to observe and have a presence to remind them that she would like to be added to the agenda to be able to discuss the terms of the ban on her performing on the Wil-Mar stage.

The president of the board, Bob Hemauer, invoked an “executive session” by stating  “Before we move into the report from the development steering committee, I would entertain a motion to go into ‘executive session’ so we can ask our guests to leave according to our bylaws, so we can discuss financial matters in confidence.” Board member David Hecht then replied “So moved” and Thistle and friends were asked to leave.

You can view this three-minute video of what took place, including Mr. Hemauer thanking them for attending the meeting and wishing them a “nice day” at the end here. 

Since then, Thistle has reached out to the board requesting she be added to the July 25th Wil-Mar board meeting agenda.

If you live in the Madison area, please consider joining Thistle and her supporters at the Thursday July 25th Wil-Mar board meeting at 5:15 PM. Let us know ahead of time if you plan to attend by shooting an email to defendfeminists@gmail.com. We will not hold signs and do not intend to disrupt their meeting in any way. Thistle simply wants to the chance to discuss the terms of the ban.

We expect the same thing that happened last time, will happen again and we will be asked to leave. In this case, we will gather nearby for our own meeting to discuss strategy for our campaign moving forward. Join us! Thanks so much for supporting women having a voice and using it to be heard.

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