STOP THE BLACKLISTING and HARASSMENT of feminist Thistle Pettersen — Sign on to this statement below!
Thistle Pettersen is a long-time progressive political activist, environmentalist, feminist, folk musician and radio show producer in Madison, WI. Since 2012, Thistle has been subjected to a concerted campaign of blacklisting and harassment, merely for expressing her opinion on sex and gender, and interviewing well-known lesbian and feminist authors and activists on the radio. She also was subjected to threats of violence, exclusion from community spaces and attempts to get her fired from her job. To see a timeline of Thistle’s abuse with screen shots and photos, check out our fact sheet.
Thistle supports the rights of trans-identifying people and others who are gender non-conforming to express themselves as they wish. She has never expressed hatred toward anyone. However, she is critical of gender-identity politics, believing as do many other feminists that gender is a patriarchal construct, and that women, as the oppressed sex, have a right to organize themselves.
Thistle should have the right to express her ideas and participate in her community like anyone else without fear for her safety or livelihood. Silencing feminists and stifling discussion and debate has nothing in common with progressive values.
Join Us!
Individual Endorsers (organizations listed here are for identification purposes only):
- Anonymous, 60 supporters and counting!
- John Peck- Madison, WI
- Jerry Chernow – WORT-FM Madison board member
- Kari Anderson, friend and former college roommate
- Pat Calchina, lesbian, Madison, WI
- Linda Conroy, Stoughton, WI
- Christopher Daly, former Madison resident
- Marti Dapin, friend, Madison, WI
- Phoebe Frenette, Madison, WI
- Bobby Gifford, old white guy for smashing the patriarchy, Stevens Point, WI
- Phyllis Hasbrouck, climate activist, Madison, WI
- Rebecca Hudson, computer programmer, Madison, WI
- Shoshana Handel, feminist & former Madison activist, Albuquerque, NM
- Blair Kolb, alumnus (with Thistle) of Memorial High School, Madison, WI
- Megan Langreck, Wisconsin
- Amy Lutzke, Wisconsin
- Joyce Miller, feminist, Madison, WI
- The Reverend Claudia Neely, ordained minister, native of Madison, WI
- Mark Oles, Madison, WI
- Davi Post,music fan, Madison, WI
- Bijon Ronaghy, Evolution Arts Collective, Madison, WI
- Jonathan Rubin, Madison, WI
- David Soumis, Madison, WI
- Mary Waitrovich, lesbian feminist, Madison, WI
- David Williams, Madison, WI
- Ti-Grace Atkinson-radical feminist, author, activist and advocate
- Julie Bindel, journalist, writer, broadcaster and researcher
- Max Dashu
- Chris Hedges, author and social critic “On Contact” New Jersey
- Sheila Jeffreys
- Meghan Murphy- Founder and Editor of Feminist Current
- Nina Paley, film maker
- Cindy Sheehan, activist, author, journalist
- Elizabeth Adams
- Venice Allan, We Need To Talk, UK
- tania alessandrini
- vegana ames, adult humane female
- Olivia Bailey, Public Service & Circulation Specialist
- Martina Baradel, Italy
- Kitty Barber
- Evelyn Barr, Ontario, Canada
- Manuel Barrera, Professor of urban education, retired, Minnesota
- Kate Baxter, woman
- Tamara Bayless
- Chris Beacock, feminist and socialist, Chicago, IL
- Scott Beadle, graphic designer, Vancouver BC Canada
- Monika Beatty
- Julia Beck
- Willy Becker
- Ali Bee, radical feminist singer/songwriter
- Miriam Ben-Shalom, radical lesbian feminist
- Rachel Berry, critical feminist, Chicago, IL
- Sheena Best, feminist
- Jennifer Bilek, concerned citizen
- Anna Blamey, Melbourne, Australia
- Steve Bloom- Member of Green Party of New York State
- Louise Bond
- S.L. Bondarchuk, adult human female; mother; sister; aunt; daughter
- Florence Bouchard Lepage,Vancouver, Canada
- Carol A. Bouldin-Green Party County Council Member
- Devin Bowden, Gay ( #LGBdropTheT)
- Michael Brackney, contemplative activist, San Diego, CA
- Silvia Brandon-Perez, People Without Borders Justice Temple
- Maure Briggs, Vernon, CT
- Thora Broughton, feminist, Canada
- Ginny Brown, marxist feminist, Australia
- Mikayla Brown, woman, New Zealand
- Virginia Brown, feminist anthropologist
- K. Bruss
- Bill Bumpus, Sommerville, MA
- Laurie Buckland, WBW
- Cheryl Buswell, nurse
- Giovanna Capone, author, filmmaker, & librarian
- Carey Capps
- Michael Carter, Moab, Utah
- Annette Catherine, mother
- Elaine Charkowski
- Natasha Chart, Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
- Jennifer Chavez, Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
- Michelle, Clague
- Lauren Clark, women’s liberationist
- Donovan Cleckley, radical feminist & writer
- Diana Clegg, Chicago, IL
- Kayleigh Clements
- Darlene Clubb
- Rachel Cole, Orlando, FL
- Patricia Cooney,US, feminist
- Kimberly Crail, Florida
- Suzette Cullen
- Barbara Dallaire, Canadian feminist
- Kat Dalton-Queens NY
- Kara Dansky, Women’s Liberation Front
- Nicholas Davies
- Raffaella D’Errico
- Alison DeCosa
- Carol DeFeciani, Providence, RI
- Shauna Devlin, UK, teacher and translator
- Jenna DiQuarto, Producer and Audio Engineer, Women’s Liberation Radio News
- Lora Donahue
- Heather Downs, feminist
- Jennifer Drew, Consultant to Scottish Women Against Pornography
- Monique Dyer, Speak Up for Women, New Zealand
- Sandra Easton-Lawrence, tutor
- Julie Edgar
- Katrin Egger
- Jeni England
- Hugh Esco, Georgia Green Party
- Lucinda Estrada, friend, Seattle, WA
- Mary Fay, retired, Chicago, IL
- Marisa Figueiredo- Redstockings of the Women’s Liberation Movement
- Justice Fire, radical feminist Earth activist
- Pippa Fleming, Albuquerque, New Mexico/African-American lesbian performance artist and writer.
- Christie Flowers, columnist
- Dana Fox
- Janet Fraser, Joyous Birth, Australian Homebirth Network
- Patricia Fraser, feminist, grandmother, mother
- Anita French, Sister in arms
- Howard Fuller, retired trade unionist, UK
- Julie Furlong, England
- Marta García, feminist, UK
- Jessica Gardner
- James Garnett, Ph.D.
- Renee Gerlich, New Zealand
- Paula Gibbons
- Jayne Gill, UK
- Rochelle Glickman-Green Party member and feminist, San Diego, CA
- Colleen Glynn
- Jessica Goldfinch, United Kingdom
- Janice Gougeon, retired paralegal, feminist, Ontario, Canada
- Hannah Graifer, radical feminist
- Geraldine Green
- Rick Greenblatt, San Diego County Green Party, San Diego, CA
- Dar Guerra, Feminists in Struggle
- Skylar Gwynn
- Connie Hahn
- Eileen Haley, Sydney Radical Feminists, Australia
- Casey Hall
- H Hall, Vancouver, Canada
- Jilly Hall, UK
- Carol Hanisch-women’s liberation writer/agitator
- Lori Hanson, MBA, PMP
- Jordan Harold, Portland, OR
- Hannah Harrison
- Rebecca Harrison, UK
- Honey Anne Haskin, California
- Madison Hatch
- Regina Hawk, radical lesbian feminist
- Arthur Heeley
- Liz Henze
- Anna Heran, lesbian, radical feminist, Cincinnati, OH
- Kerri Hill, NC
- Sarah Hoagland
- Rebeka Hoffman, Hopkinton, MA
- Tracie Holladay, Appleseed Sisters Circle, Orlando, FL
- Ella Holland
- Jacky Holyoake
- Kathryn Hong, Minnesota
- Deborah Horan
- Andrea Houtman-lifelong socialist feminist, West Covina, CA
- Valerie Howells
- Marie Hume
- Elaine Hutton, Lesbian Rights Alliance
- Adele Hunt-Concon
- Sherri Ingrey
- Jay Jackson-White
- Sonia Jaffe Robbins
- Paula Jellis
- Euan Johnston,Musician,Scotsman, father of daughters
- Joy Jolie, Brampton, ON, Canada
- Catherine Jones, woman
- Rev. Suzanne Joyce, 64 yr old Woman Born Radical Lesbian Feminist
- T Katz, doctor
- David Keil-Member of Boston May Day Coalition
- Steve Kellerman-Boston, MA
- Lizzie Kerr, Wellington, New Zealand
- Brian Kilburn, Wakefield, U.K. Graphic Designer (and Office Cleane
- Amy King, women first
- Susan King, feminist
- Sarah Khavari
- Beckie Kuipers
- Zoe Lafantaisie
- Lisa Lake
- Linda Lancz, Massachusetts
- Laura Lance
- Bev Landricombe
- Dianne Landy
- Phyllis Lau,Illinois lesbian, feminist,activist
- Tim Leadbeater, Dunedin, NZ
- Michael Lebednik
- Sue Leigh, retired community worker
- Anne Leighton
- Lauren Levey
- Tekla Lewin, Columbus, OH
- Linda Linda, woman, London
- Sherry Lipsky- Redstockings of the Women’s Liberation. Movement
- Oak LoGalbo, feminist, lesbian, activist over 50 years, VT
- Marie Long, Chicago, IL
- Julia Long, Lesbians on Chairs
- Robin Long
- Dolores Lorette, mother
- Beth Lowe, feminist
- Maggie Lucas
- Mary Lyon, feminist, UK
- Laurie Lyon
- Vajra Ma
- Diana Mackin, Longtime radical feminist activist, downstate Illinois
- tracey macleod, Speak Up for Women, New Zealand
- Ramón Mac Tíre, Albuquerque, NM
- Morven Magari, Filia
- Valerie Martin-Ratcliffe, former lecturer
- Marcia Matthews, writer
- Rich Mattingly, Buffalo, NY
- Anne-Marie Mazur
- Laurel McBride, anti-violence activist
- Marcella McClure
- Anna McCormack, International Women’s Day Brisbane Meanjin, Qld Australia
- Peg McCuaig
- Pia McLaren
- Lisa McLeod
- Raine McLeod
- Marcella McClure
- Alexa McFarlane, Church of Women’s Liberation
- Ann Menasche- feminist and Green Party activist, San Diego
- Danette Michaels, educator
- Wendi Miracle, Radical feminist
- Elizabeth Miller, Feminist Activist and Organizer
- Keely Emerine Mix, Founder, Radical Christian Feminist Alliance
- Sonia Moore, gender critical feminist – Australia
- Glen Morgan, Proud Dyke
- Kenneth Morgan, member, Democratic Socialists of America, Portland, OR
- Rebecca Morris, adult human female
- David Morrison, Green Party activist, San Diego, CA
- April Neault, feminist and lover of dogs
- Jeanne Neath- Northwest Arkansas
- ersyla nellajoy nellajoy
- Seth Nowak
- Bill Oetjen, educator
- Maureen O’Hara, feminist activist and lawyer
- Chikaua Ollin, Author of Anarcha-Feminist zine about Working Wimmin’s Liberation
- Jan Oliver
- Jon Olsen, Maine Green Independent Party
- Alexia Olson
- Toni Osborne
- Gail Pacifica, radical
- Lynn Page
- Caz Paradise
- Thano Paris, Atlanta, GA
- Elizabeth Parker, Teacher
- Deidre Pearson, Portland, OR
- Maureen Peterson, Ontario, Canada
- Elizabeth Pickett, Canadian Feminist Network
- Joanna Pinkiewicz, Women Speak Tasmania
- Pauline Pope, pensioner
- Sarah Porter
- Bob Postelthwaite
- Kate Poynter
- Leon R, Just a Bloke
- Jade Praerie
- Deb Ramsey, adult human female
- Michael Regenfuss, Deep Green Resistance
- Ward Reilly, Veterans for Peace
- Michelle Reynolds, Australia
- Emma Robertson, technician/lecturer/artist
- Darina Roche-Kiang, Ireland
- Amanda Rochford, gender critical feminist
- Jane Roper, Guernsey, Channel Islands
- Claire Russell
- Sandra Russel, Radical Feminist, Witch
- Marian Rutigliano, Washington D.C.
- Kathie Sarachild-Redstockings of the Women’s Liberation Movement
- Kathy Scarbrough, radical feminist, NJ
- Kim Schaut, UW graduate, feminist
- Richard Schmidt
- K. Schultz, Connecticut
- Chris Sensical, Victorian Women’s Guild, Australia
- Deni Sevenoaks, Australian radical feminist
- Carole Shepherd
- Sandi Sherman, Minneapolis, MN
- Mary Lou Singleton
- Gary Sisco, Gang of One
- Karen Skrobo, special ed teacher
- Jeanne Smith, Iowa City, IA
- Liz Smith, Australia
- Loretta Smith, Australia
- Sandra Smith, woman
- Heli St Luce, Feminist, liberation activist, facilitator
- Cynthia Staples
- Aurora Starita, radical feminist
- Lois Stauber, lesbian feminist
- Charlotte Stephens, teacher
- Catherine Stevenson, feminist
- Anita Stewart, DGR, WOLF, FIST
- Rona Stewart
- Charlie Stewart
- Sara Stewart
- Jeannette Srivastava, lifelong educator
- Adriana Sthiago
- Amelie Summer
- Denise Sumpter, UK
- Mary Syrett
- Ellen Taylor, WOMAN
- Emma Taylor, woman
- Alecia Thomas, Fan
- Steph Thompson, New Zealand
- Vaska Tumir, College professor, one of the founders of Off-Guardian
- Terri Ulm, Indianapolis
- Jennifer van Leijen, The Netherlands
- Nathalie van Staveren, Berlin, Germany
- Nick Velvet
- Dianne Vine
- Michelle Uriarau
- Sera W.,woman, lesbian, feminist
- Lynn Walker, Greensboro, NC
- Mary Jo Walters, 2018 Candidate for US Senate- Madison, Wisconsin
- Pansy Watson
- Jess Weber
- Danielle Whitaker
- Jeff White, Toronto
- Justine Whitefish
- Rich Whitney, Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
- Leigh Williams, 50 years a feminist
- Cleo Wilson
- Jay Winters
- Lee Wood, London
- Jennifer Worley
- Simone Writer
- Karla Youngers
Organization Endorsements:
- Chicago Feminist Salon
- Feminists in Struggle- initial sponsoring group
- Liverpool ReSisters
- Meeting Ground Online- blogzine dedicated to the liberation of women and working people
- Organizing Committee for a Democratic Revolutionary Left
- Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter-Anti-Violence Feminist Collective
- Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
- Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA)
- Canadian Women’s Declaration
- Edmonton Women & Allies Against the Sex Industry
- Alberta Radical Feminists
- Women’s Liberation Radio News (WLRN)